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USA Bodybuilding Championships Of Chris Cormier

Chris Cormier is is professional bodybuilder Some would say that in 2006 aesthetics is all but dead and buried, that most mass and mass only is where it’s at these few days on the pro bodybuilding circuit. To those who truly believe this, we present you with exhibit A: Chris Cormier. From the time he won the NPC USA Championships in 1993, Chris Cormier has been a sight for sore eyes on IFBB stages around the world globe. At bodybuilding a competition weight of around 250 pounds, The strong man of Cormier is among the heavier guys on our list. Chris Cormier Birth Date: August 19, 1967,Height: 5’10″,Weight: 250 pounds.

    It’s the path of  his  carries that weight, rather than the weight itself, that makes him so most impressive. Tiny joints coupled with full strong muscle bellies, all spread out uniformly across a 5’10″ frame, make for a physique that has earned 11 pro titles to date in the 70 IFBB contests in which he has been competed.

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