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Six Week- Dumbbell Shoulder Press HIIT Exercises

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Let’s come to start On HIIT 100s exercises sets, choose a weight that's equivalent to 50% of what you could generally do for 10 reps. don’t be anxious about going too heavy workout. If you could not able to complete all 10 reps previous to the 8 set, drop the weight by 5-10 pounds. If you can't complete 10 reps during or behind the 8 set, finish all 10 sets doing as numerous reps as possible for each.

The next time you train workout that part of muscle group, reduce the starting weight by 5-10 pounds. If any of the HIIT 100s exercises are new idea to you, you'll need to expend some much time figuring out how much weight you can able to do for 10 reps. The week before you start the HIIT 100s program, workout these exercises into your hard training to get a gauge on proper weights.

Note: If you don't make out what your 10RM is on the bench press workout, do bench as the first exercise in your chest workout, aiming for a weight that allows you to full exactly 10 reps, and then follow with your typical chest workout routineS.

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