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The Mr.America Branch Warren National bodybuilder

Branch Warren

The great power star of bodybuilder Branch Warren ,born on February 28 1975 in Tyler , Texas is American IFBB bodybuilder. Branch Warren aka The Texas Titan started first bodybuilding in his early age, in 1992 still in his high school Branch won AUU teenage Mr.America competition. Branch turned Pro after winning world National bodybuilding and fitness championship in 2001. Today, Branch Warren is one of the top most  pro in the world bodybuilding arena winning back to back Arnold Classic in 2011 and 2012.

Branch Warren Routine Workouts: 

Bodybuilder Branch warren enjoys watching football,likes hunting and hiking and admires metal music.Branch warren, current great Arnold classic winner and runner up of Mr.Olympia 2009 follows a intensive weekly training routine .


Branch Warren Back workout

Incline T-bar rows 3 sets 10 reps

One Arm dumbbell rows 3 sets 8 reps

Bent over barbell rows 3 sets 8 reps

Lats pulldown 3 sets 15 reps

Seated upright row machine 3 sets 15 reps

Hammer strength pull downs 3 sets 15 reps

Seated low cable row 3 sets 20 reps

Rear delts on fly machine 4 sets 10 reps

Bent over dumbbell rear laterals 4 sets 10 reps


Branch Warren chest workout 

Incline bench press 2 warm-up sets and then 3 sets 8-12 reps

Flat dumbbell press 3 sets 10 reps

Hammer strength incline press 3 sets 10 reps

Weighted dips (with chains) 3 sets to failure reps

Cable crossovers 3 sets 15 reps

Wednesday Rest day


Standing dumbbell curls 3 sets 8 reps

Standing barbell curls 3 sets 12 reps

Preacher curls 3 sets 12 reps

Hammer curls 3 sets 12 reps

Branch Warren triceps workout

Triceps pushdowns 3 sets 15 reps

Seated dip machine 3 sets 15 reps

Rope pushdowns 4 sets 12 reps

Triceps extensions 4 sets 12 reps


Branch Warren legs workout

Leg extensions 2 warm-up sets x 100 reps

Squats 2 light sets then 2 heavy sets to failure

Hack squats 3 sets 10-15 reps

Leg press 3 sets 30 reps

Seated leg curls 3 sets 15 reps

Standing leg curls 3 sets 10 reps

Lying leg curls 3 sets 12 reps


Military press 2 warm-up sets and then 3 sets 10 reps

Squats 3 sets 12 reps

Side laterals 3 sets 8-12 reps

Dumbell front raises 3 sets 8 reps

Upright rows 3 sets 12 reps

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